In his show "Last Week Tonight," comedian John Oliver cited to debunk Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s misleading claims about autism.

In his show "Last Week Tonight," comedian John Oliver cited to debunk Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s misleading claims about autism.
The report from the 2015 working group has been in the news ahead of this year's presidential debates.
Annenberg Public Policy Center Director Kathleen Hall Jamieson discussed civics education and bridging political divides on C-SPAN's "Washington Journal."
The Annenberg Public Policy Center and Penn’s Center for Public Health Initiatives have partnered on a guide to key facts and answers to important questions about Covid-19 and vaccination.
A growing number of Americans can name the branches of government and First Amendment freedoms, according to the Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey.
Distinguished fellow Susan Ness, co-chair of the Transatlantic Working Group, wrote in Slate that European and American governments should work in tandem on digital platform regulation.
Speaking in Zoom panels, members of the Transatlantic Working Group have promoted online transparency and accountability for digital platforms.
After the release of the Mueller Report, Kathleen Hall Jamieson discussed Russian interference in the 2016 election and the lessons for the news media and social media platforms.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson spoke to the BBC about why she dislikes the term "fake news" and prefers to call it "viral deception," or V.D.