An award-winning radio show hosted by NPR’s Margot Adler, Justice Talking explored issues of law and American life. Programs featured interviews with experts, reports from the field that explain why a legal issue matters and lively debates between the nation’s top advocates. Produced by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, the program was distributed by NPR to nearly 100 public radio markets in the U.S. and 140 countries around the world. Justice Talking, made possible with the generous support of the Annenberg Foundation, was part of a multimedia civics education initiative online and in classrooms, libraries and other public venues. It ceased production in 2008; its website can be accessed here.
Margot Adler, voice of award-winning radio show ‘Justice Talking,’ dies at 68
Colleagues and friends at the Annenberg Public Policy Center are mourning the loss of Margot Adler, the journalist who was the voice of "Justice Talking," the award-winning radio show produced over a decade by APPC. Ms. Adler was 68 and had been battling cancer for several years.