Mitch McConnell Distances Himself From A Budget That He Effusively Praised (The Huffington Post, July 10th, 2014)
Annenberg Public Policy Center works with NBC and Wall Street Journal (The Daily Pennsylvanian, July 9th, 2014)
Poll: More than half of U.S. public would like to hear less from Sarah Palin (United Press International (UPI), July 9th, 2014)
Sarah Palin talks a lot about politics. Most voters don’t want to hear it. (The Washington Post, July 9th, 2014)
9/11 Commission to Release Updated Recommendations Ten Years After First Report (Yahoo! News, July 9th, 2014)
Despite poll findings, there is still a big audience that isn’t tired of Sarah Palin (The Washington Post, July 9th, 2014)
Are teens turning from cigarettes to hookahs? Study raises red flag. (+video (The Christian Science Monitor, July 7th, 2014)