Annenberg Public Policy Center director Kathleen Hall Jamieson presented a talk at TEDxMidAtlantic on the changing nature of political discourse, "The decline of American politics, and how to fix it."

Annenberg Public Policy Center director Kathleen Hall Jamieson presented a talk at TEDxMidAtlantic on the changing nature of political discourse, "The decline of American politics, and how to fix it."
Kathleen Hall Jamieson spoke at the prestigious Westminster Town Hall Forum in Minneapolis about the presidential campaign. Minnesota Public Radio, which broadcast the forum, also interviewed Jamieson about political advertising.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson was awarded the American Philosophical Society's 2016 Henry Allen Moe Prize in recognition of her paper "Implications of the Demise of 'Fact' in Political Discourse."
"Implications of the Demise of 'Fact' in Political Discourse" has been published in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, examining strategies used in partisan attacks on "fact" and reputable institutions.
For Immediate Release March 27, 2012 Contact: Kathleen Hall Jamieson ( Jamieson is Director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, home of, a site whose “They said WHAT?” page flags extreme rhetoric of both the left and right and includes a video illustrating these findings. Background: When the
The Annenberg Public Policy Center has updated the work that it produced for the 1997, 1999, and 2001 House Bipartisan Retreats. The new report’s analysis of the taking down processes from 1935-2011 identifies five parallels between the 112th and earlier “combustible” Congresses: The 112th is a turnover Congress. Incivility increased in the first sessions
The increasing polarization of political debate was the subject of a Penn Conference on Civility and American Politics Monday on Capitol Hill. The event was sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, the Brookings Institution and the American Enterprise Institute. Among those participating in the event were Penn President Amy Gutmann, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the