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Young People Watch More Late Night Television

For years political consultants have argued that late-night comedy shows play a central role in defining presidents and presidential candidates for the American public, but the biggest audience for those programs comes from those least likely to vote – Americans 18 to 29, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. Interviews with 26,491

Public considers Bush a stronger leader but more stubborn while Kerry is seen as less reckless but inconsistent

Americans consider President Bush steadier, a stronger leader, more likeable and less likely to bow to political pressure than Senator John F. Kerry. But they consider Kerry more knowledgeable than Bush and less reckless or stubborn, too, according to the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey. In polling conducted between March 21 and April

Large Majority of Democrats Still Bitter Over 2000

Far from putting the disputed 2000 election behind them, 69 percent of Democrats say Al Gore really won it but was “somehow cheated” out of the White House, and that group provides a core of intense support for Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. That sense