In pursuit of a better democracy or something else: Oklahoma latest state to require high schoolers to pass citizenship test (The 74 Million, July 11th, 2021)
As Sandra Day O’Connor steps away from public life, her iCivics pushes for increased civics education (The 74 Million, January 2nd, 2019)
Americans’ commitment to democracy is strong – and civics education is the people’s choice for making our democracy even stronger (The 74 Million, September 10th, 2018)
After Parkland, young people led the way – now some say we should let 16-year-olds vote (The 74 Million, March 21st, 2018)
Yes, undocumented students have rights under the U.S. Constitution — but new poll shows that most Americans don’t know that (The 74 Million, September 15th, 2017)
Time Magazine honors Sandra Day O’Connor as pioneer on Supreme Court — and in civics education (The 74 Million, May 2nd, 2017)