In PNAS, APPC researchers identify factors that reflect public assessments of science and are associated with public support for increasing U.S. funding of science.
Basic research
At Commencement, Jamieson Hails Penn’s Role in Fighting Pandemic
At the delayed commencement for Penn's class of 2020, Kathleen Hall Jamieson lauded the university's faculty, students, and graduates for their work battling the pandemic.
National Academies, Sunnylands, and APPC Host Retreats on Protecting the Integrity of Science
Science leaders and scholars convened at Sunnylands retreats aimed at ensuring scientific integrity in research, authorship, gene editing and in judicial filings.
Science Media Monitor Aims to Improve Public Understanding of Science
APPC has launched the Annenberg Science Media Monitor to analyze the content of news reporting on science. The first report focuses on coverage of scientific discovery.
Expert Panel Proposes Common Authorship Standards to Promote Integrity in Science
Scholars, editors, and scientists at a National Academy of Sciences-Sunnylands-APPC retreat proposed uniform standards and greater transparency to clarify the roles of authors across different journals, fields, and cultures.
Science Magazine Essay on Need for Basic Research Cites APPC’s Work
An essay in Science magazine this month defends the vital importance of basic scientific research and references the work of the policy center's science communication program in advancing that message.