The Annenberg Public Policy Center is pleased to announce that Scott Roberts, who for almost two decades directed Annenberg Media (formerly The Annenberg/CPB Project) at the appointment of Ambassador Walter H. Annenberg, will join us as National Civics Outreach Director on July 1. With Roberts at the helm Annenberg Media became an award-winning educational portal, delivering materials to classrooms and living rooms through the use of satellite and on its website, www.learner.org, the #1 Google-ranked online teacher professional development resource in the world.
“As APPC has built its identity in civics education, Scott has been a reliable friend and advisor, creating teacher-training videos based on our Student Voices project and finding novel ways for our programs to be relayed to waiting classrooms. In many ways his agreement to help us increase the reach and use of our work is a homecoming,” said APPC Director Kathleen Hall Jamieson. A former assistant professor at Carlow College and research associate at Carnegie Mellon University, Roberts earned his Ph.D. in philosophy from University at Buffalo.