Inside-out and Upside-down

Michael Sheehan has been training corporate CEOs, policy makers and political leaders for more than 30 years. One of America’s leading communications trainers and strategists, his expertise embraces every format and every forum, whether media interview, major speech or high-stakes Q&A. His ability to help people communicate at the highest possible level was dubbed by New York Magazine as “the Sheehan effect.” He prepares CEOs, CFOs and senior executives to step into and withstand the media/public affairs spotlight. Nationally known for his skill in message development and spokesperson training, he has been called upon to help in critical business situations such as IPOs, shareholder meetings, media interviews, government/regulatory hearings, hostile takeovers and much more. Michael has coached more presidents, vice presidents, first ladies, cabinet secretaries, governors, mayors and members of Congress than anyone else in the country. Since 1988, he has been called upon to coach every presidential and vice-presidential debate series as well as the principal speakers at the Democratic National Conventions. For the Obama and Clinton administrations alike, he has coached inaugural addresses, States of the Union, prime time addresses, and press conferences. Michael regularly guest lectures at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Yale University, and Northwestern University. He has received the Individual Achievement award from the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, and the Freeing Voices/Changing Lives award from the American Institute for Stuttering. Michael earned his BSFS from Georgetown University and his MFA from the Yale School of Drama.
Abstract: Looking over my shoulder at the presidential and primary debates of 2020: what got better and what got worse? What worked and what didn’t? Is it futile or fixable?