Amy Jordan
School of Communication and Information

Amy Jordan is professor of journalism and media studies at Rutgers University's School of Communication and Information. Previously she was director of graduate student professional training at the Annenberg School for Communication and president of the International Communication Association. Dr. Jordan’s research focuses on the role of media in the lives of children and their families. She has a longstanding interest in children’s media policy in the U.S. and around the world. Her most recent studies have examined the relationship between media use, families’ nutritional practices, and children’s weight. She is the recipient of the National Communication Association’s Stanley L. Saxton Applied Research Award and the International Communication Association’s Most Important Applied/Public Policy Research Award.Currently co-editor (with Dafna Lemish) of the Journal of Children and Media, Dr. Jordan has also co-authored/co-edited four books, including the internationally published Children, Adolescents, and the Media (with versions available in English, Chinese, and Portuguese). Her work appears in a wide range of peer-reviewed journals, including Pediatrics, Communication Research, Journal of Family Communication, and Media Psychology and has been funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute of Child Health and Development, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Curriculum Vitae